Schedule 2, AR 191/2021, S2-1, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (Current as of March 31, 2023)

Schedule 2, First Aid

Table 1

Low hazard work

“Low hazard work” means work at

(a) administrative sites where the work performed is clerical or administrative in nature;

(b) dispersal sites

(i) where a worker is based,

(ii) where a worker is required to report for instruction, and

(iii) from which a worker is transported to a work site where the work is performed

Table 2

Medium hazard work

“Medium hazard work” means any work that is neither low hazard work nor high hazard work.

Table 3

High hazard work

“High hazard work” means work involving

(a) construction or demolition, including

(i) industrial and commercial process facilities,

(ii) pipelines and related gas or oil transmission facilities,

(iii) commercial, residential and industrial buildings,

(iv) roads, highways, bridges and related installations,

(v) sewage gathering systems,

(vi) utility installations, and

(vii) water distribution systems;

(b) operation and maintenance of

(i) food packing or processing plants,

(ii) beverage processing plants,

(iii) electrical generation and distribution systems,

(iv) foundries,

(v) industrial heavy equipment repair and service facilities,

(vi) sawmills and lumber processing facilities,

(vii) machine shops,

(viii) metal fabrication shops,

(ix) gas, oil and chemical process plants,

(x) steel and other base metal processing plants, and

(xi) industrial process facilities not elsewhere specified;

(c) woodlands operations;

(d) gas and oil well drilling and servicing operations;

(e) mining and quarrying operations;

(f) seismic operations;

(g) detonation of explosives.